Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mother Nature's Wash Day

Nature’s Wash Day

Dead quiet
Air filled with humid stifling high hot heat
The air smells thick with water
No warning was given
Only an intuitive feeling
As to what was about to happen

Torrential silver sheets burst down
Hitting so hard it frothed n foamed
the ground
Wind whipping
Agitating water not unlike inside
a gigantic washing machine

Then as it slowly all started to cease
Sounds of huge drums began to beat
Electric flashing
Whipping snakes filled the darkened sky

It seemed the cleansing was fully complete
The thunder
Rain slowed to a soft gentle flow
The sun burst forth with drying heat
The sky was filled with big white clouds
stuck on azure blue

Dead quiet
Air thick with humid stifling high hot heat
The air smells thick with water

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